The end of 2019 is right around the corner! Maybe you’re thinking about your new year’s resolutions, the things you’ve accomplished this year, things you may regret doing, or maybe… you’re thinking about insurance!
Most insurance plans that end on December 31st don’t have any rollover into the New Year. This means if you have unused benefits – use them before the end of the year! Do you have a root canal you’ve been putting off scheduling? Have you used both of your 100% covered cleanings this year? Do you feel like you may have a cavity you want looked at? We have the whole month of December (that’s starting to fill up quickly!) to help alleviate any worries you may have.
If you don’t know where you stand with your unused benefits, we can help! If you have planned treatment you’d like to get scheduled before the end of the year, we can send a pre authorization to your insurance company and they will send an estimate back to you letting you know what they would cover. This process may take up to a few weeks, and this time of year it may take even more time. If you have specific questions regarding your insurance plan that we may not be able to answer, the quickest way to get information would be to call the member services number on your insurance card. The representative will be happy to assist you in any way they can.
Everybody’s insurance plan is unique to them. That being said, we generally cannot tell you how much your insurance will cover a certain procedure without either you or us contacting your company. We’d love to help as much as we can as always! Happy Holidays!